St Mark’s V.A. Church in Wales Primary School

St. Mark’s Voluntary Aided School is a Church in Wales primary school catering for pupils between the ages of 3 and 11. The School is situated on the southern outskirts of Haverfordwest and primarily serves the catchment area of Merlin’s Bridge. As St. Mark’s is a Church in Wales school, collective worship and religious education are founded in the Anglican tradition. At the present time there are 125 children on roll and 5 classes.

Below are the latest inspection reports that the school has received. As we are a Church School we are inspected by both ESTYN and The Church in Wales (Gwella Section 50.)

Gwella Inspection moderated report St Marks V A School June 2017

ESTYN Monitoring Report St Marks VA Primary School 2018

St Mark’s V.A. CinW Primary School Curriculum for Wales Summary